ENRICH-TOGETHER will offer researchers access to a series of courses and workshops to optimize their employability and diversify their career options to academic and non-academic sectors. METU has extensive experience in offering training and orientation programmes to its new faculty and personnel with support from a vast array of units. Hence, a special training programme to be tailored according to the career path of researchers is designed by ENRICH-TOGETHER. The program comprises a combined curriculum of compulsory and elective courses that specifically targets the enhancement of researchers’ skills in research, management, communication, and collaboration. In addition to 13 compulsory courses, there are 15 elective courses offered from which at least 3 have to be selected (see table below). The chosen courses will be included in the Career Development Plans (CDP) of the fellows.
ABBREVIATIONS: AP: Associated Partner, CCO: Corporate Communication Office, GWS: Gender and Women’s Studies, ICO: International Cooperations Office, İSG: Occupational Health and Safety, ÖGEM: Centre for Advancing Learning and Teaching, RCO: Research Coordination Office, SV: Supervisors, TTO: Technology Transfer Office, UEAM: Applied Ethics Research Centre